From “Talk of the Town”, a weekly column in the Times Argus:
BARRE — When it comes to explaining things, sometimes it’s best not to stray too far from the script. When it comes to the Bread and Puppet Theater, we’ve found that’s a rule worth remembering.
Want proof?
We give you “The Circus of Possibilitarians” — a show that we’re assured will go on at the Old Labor Hall on Granite Street on Feb. 14 (remember, that’s Valentine’s Day!) at 6 p.m.
The circus of what?
Our point exactly.
What we know for sure is admission is $5, soup and sourdough bread will be served before the puppets are unleashed, and for more information you can call 456-7456 or email [email protected].
Here is what we’re told (verbatim because we really don’t want to mess this up): “The Circus of Possibilitarians is a satirical horse and butterfly circus, addressing pertinent national and international issues in a clownish fashion, including rotten ideas, a wild dancing horse and some mellow lions, a solemn salute to the world’s casualties and much more! The Dire Circumstance Jubilation Ensemble provides a little bit of brass and a lot of noise. Please take note that if some of the circus acts are politically puzzling to adults, accompanying children can usually explain them.”
Translation: If you’ve got kids, bring them. If you don’t, sit next to someone who does and enjoy the show.