PROCTOR — Green Mountain Power will interrupt electric service to customers in the Proctor area overnight Saturday, Oct. 20, into the early morning hours of Sunday, Oct. 21, to make badly needed upgrades to the former Vermont Marble Power  system.
The work was originally scheduled for Oct. 13, but had to be rescheduled due to weather. If it must be postponed again this week, the work will be rescheduled for one week later on Oct. 27-28.
The outage is scheduled to begin at 11 p.m. Saturday and last until approximately 7 a.m. Sunday. The interruption is necessary to provide safe working conditions for Green Mountain Power crews to make system upgrades, specifically the reconstruction of the Proctor substation, which will provide more reliable power to the customers it serves.
The outage will affect most Proctor residents and a handful of customers in the town of Pittsford along Route 3 just north of Proctor.
In case of inclement weather, the outage will be postponed until Saturday, Oct. 20, at the same time.