Voters are returning the Windsor County State Senate incumbents to Montpelier for another term.
Sens. John Campbell of Hartford, Dick McCormack of Bethel and Alice Nitka of Ludlow defeated three Republican challengers in the Windsor County State Senate election. They were Dick Tracy of Sharon, Jeff Whittemore of Weathersfield and Paul Gibbs of Springfield.
With 24 towns reporting, Campbell received 15,828 votes, McCormack received 14,881 votes and Nitka received 14,431 votes. For the Republicans, Tracy received 9,352 votes, Whittemore received 6,915 votes and Gibbs received 6,370.
Economic development and jobs were a primary issue during the campaign.
Campbell was Senate president pro tem during the last biennium and served on the Senate Agriculture and Rules Committees. McCormack served on the Senate Finance, Natural Resources and Energy and Reapportionment Committees while Nitka was on the Senate Appropriations and Judiciary Committees.
The senators will be assigned to committees when the session begins in January 2013.
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