One of the founders of the Spartan Race, an internationally known outdoor obstacle challenge, is reconfiguring some of the race obstacles for his own college students and elementary school kids.
Andy Weinberg is leading a pack of Castleton State College sports administration majors to a unique community service project Oct. 18.
Weinberg is a professor at the college and one of the creators of the race, founded in Pittsfield.
Student Ashley Billings said her classmates plan to introduce themselves to children in fourth and fifth grades and mentor them as part of their service learning. To break the ice, they will run a “circuit race,” she said.
“We are planning on doing a mini Spartan Race in the new pavilion where the students will answer questions to get to know their mentors, do five pushups and other activities,” she said.
The race will be held from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. in the pavilion.
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