Category Archives: Ludlow

‘Citizen Kane’ still on tonight in Ludlow

Despite the weather, the show must go on. And in Ludlow, it will.

“Citizen Kane” will be shown at 7 p.m. tonight  in the Ludlow Town Hall Theater auditorium despite the weather.

The movie is free, but donations are appreciated.

“Citizen Kane” is a 1941 American drama, directed by and starring Orson
Welles. Many critics consider it the greatest film of all time, especially
for its innovative cinematography, music and narrative structure.

“Citizen Kane” was Welles’ first feature film. The film was nominated for Academy Awards in nine categories; it won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay by Herman Mankiewicz and Welles.

The story examines the life and legacy of Charles Foster Kane, played by Welles,   character based in part upon the American newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst and Welles’ own life.

Upon its release, Hearst  prohibited mention of the film in any of his newspapers. Kane’s career in  the publishing world is born of idealistic social service, but gradually evolves into a ruthless pursuit of power.

For information, call 228-7239.

Town Meeting: Ludlow

Proposed town budget
$3,286,923, $49,126 or 1.5 percent more than this year’s budget $3,237,797.
Net requests in town articles are up slightly due to fuel adjustments. Wage and benefits are largely controlled by collective bargaining contracts. Capital purchases include two pickups, a replacement mower and flood control funds.

Highway equipment fund
$30,000, $20,000 or 200 percent, more than this year’s budget of $10,000.
Budget includes replacement of vehicles and equipment.

School budget
$3,781,675, $14,948 or 0.39 percent more than this year’s budget of $3,766,727.
Budget includes approximately $65,000 increase in special education costs, approximately $33,000 increase in operations and maintenance costs, approximately $90,000 decrease in regular instruction costs and approximately $70,000 decrease in life skills program costs.

Special articles
Shall the voters of Ludlow authorize $20,000 by Australian ballot for library repairs including the main entrance, granite stairs, foundation reinforcement, waterproofing, etc.?
Shall the voters of Ludlow approve the Rutland Windsor Supervisory Union decision to petition the State to dissolve the RWSU and form a new supervisory union with the Windsor Southwest Supervisory Union, effective July 1, 2013? This is contingent upon the Flood Brook Union School District leaving the WSWSU and forming a Regional Educational District with the Rutland Bennington Supervisory Union.

No contested races

Meeting location
Ludlow residents will gather for a floor meeting at Ludlow Town Hall at 7 p.m. Monday, March 5 to vote on money matters. Election of town officials and Australian ballot articles will take place from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday at Ludlow Town Hall.

Town website