Category Archives: Holiday/Celebration

Ludlow trick or treating still planned for Saturday

Here’s a notice that is posted on the Ludlow town website:
All Halloween Activities Scheduled for Wednesday, October 31 including trick or treating in the Town of Ludlow have been postponed until Saturday, November 3.The Ludlow Police, Fire and Recreation Departments are requesting that the residents of the Town of Ludlow keep your children inside for Halloween. The departments are advising that Halloween will be postponed until Saturday, November 3, 2012.
This notice is for all residents of the Town of Ludlow to include ones without children to make you aware that the little ones will be knocking on your door November 3, 2012 looking for a trick or treat.

Chester un-cancels Halloween after complaints

CHESTER — Trick-or-treaters in the Vermont town of Chester are going to be going door-to-door on Halloween after all.
Due to what had been the expected damage from Superstorm Sandy, the town had postponed Halloween festivities until Nov. 7.
Many Vermonters were wary after last year’s experiences with Tropical Storm Irene and forecasters had warned of significant damage from Sandy. But Vermont was spared significant damage from Sandy.
So after what the town describes as “a high volume of complaints,” officials changed their mind about postponing Halloween. It will be held Wednesday as usual.
The town apologized for any confusion, but it says severe weather is hard to predict and the safety of children and residents needs to come first.

CSJ to host trick or treating

College of St. Joseph is hosting a free trick-or-treat event from 2 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31, on its campus on Clement Road in Rutland.

The public is invited to come in costume and enjoy Halloween in a safe environment. A map of trick-or-treat destinations will be given out to all guests upon arrival.

Police ask motorists to drive carefully over holiday weekend

From the Vermont State Police:

Making every effort to prevent crashes, injuries, and fatalities on Vermont’s roadways, Vermont state troopers will be out in full force Friday, August 31 to kick off Labor Day weekend. Troopers will stagger their shifts to provide high visibility throughout the day.

“With heavier than usual traffic expected during this extended holiday weekend, we will push for zero fatalities,” said Colonel Thomas L’Esperance. “Troopers will focus on the four most common causes of fatal crashes, such as speeding, driving under the influence, distracted driving, and seat belt violations.” Continue reading

Leftover and rescheduled Fourth of July festivities

Some fireworks displays and other events were canceled by severe weather and have been rescheduled. Other events were simply scheduled for days other than the fourth. Here’s a few we know of. Was your event rescheduled? Send it in and we’ll add it to the list.

Killington sets off
fireworks tonight
KILLINGTON — The town postponed its annual fireworks display due to a severe storm Wednesday night. The fireworks will be set off tonight at 9:30 p.m. at the Johnson Recreation Center off River Road.

Manchester to
set off fireworks
MANCHESTER — The Fourth of July fireworks, which were interrupted by a severe thunderstorm on July 4, have been rescheduled for today at 9:30 p.m. at the Dana L. Thompson Memorial Park, according to Town Manager John O’Keefe.
Applejack Field will be open to the public beginning at 8 p.m. for picnicking.
The presentation, “A Tribute to America,” will be performed from the beginning of the night and include all the recorded music and narration that would have accompanied the fireworks on Wednesday. Unlike Wednesday, the weather forecast calls for clear skies in Manchester today, O’Keefe said.
The live music performance scheduled on Wednesday went on as planned and will not be repeated.
The park and Applejack Field are located off of Bonnet Street. For more information, call the Manchester Parks and Recreation Department at 362-1439.

Okemo events
LUDLOW — Okemo Mountain Resort’s Fourth of July Celebration continues with plenty of music, food and fun this weekend.
The Jackson Gore Outdoor Music Series takes place tonight with a performance by Erin Harpe and the Delta Swingers. Erin has been hailed “an authentic blues chanteuse,” earning a reputation for her raw style and accomplished finger-picking guitar playing.
Admission is free and guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or picnic blankets. The music starts at 6 p.m. and the concert takes place at Okemo’s Jackson Gore Inn courtyard.
On Saturday, Okemo holds its annual Red, White and Blues Festival. The concert will feature blues artists Lydia Warren and the Dave Keller Band.
The Lydia Warren Band has been nominated for a Boston Music Award, appeared on NBC’s “Today” show and has released five albums and the Dave Keller Band’s reputation for dynamic, soul-stirring performances extends throughout New England.
Okemo will serve food and beverages and is slated to open its new zipline Saturday.

Okemo events continue

LUDLOW — Okemo Mountain Resort’s Fourth of July Celebration continues with plenty of music, food and fun this weekend.
The Jackson Gore Outdoor Music Series takes place tonight with a performance by Erin Harpe and the Delta Swingers. Erin has been hailed “an authentic blues chanteuse,” earning a reputation for her raw style and accomplished finger-picking guitar playing.
Admission is free and guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or picnic blankets. The music starts at 6 p.m. and the concert takes place at Okemo’s Jackson Gore Inn courtyard.
On Saturday, Okemo holds its annual Red, White and Blues Festival. The concert will feature blues artists Lydia Warren and the Dave Keller Band.
The Lydia Warren Band has been nominated for a Boston Music Award, appeared on NBC’s “Today” show and has released five albums and the Dave Keller Band’s reputation for dynamic, soul-stirring performances extends throughout New England.
Okemo will serve food and beverages and is slated to open its new zipline Saturday.

Hot dog facts

This year, Americans will eat 7 billion hot dogs between Memorial Day and Labor Day, 155 million of those will be consumed over July 4th weekend alone.

The most expensive hot dog is sold by Serendipity 3 in New York City  and is called the “Haute Dog”.  Grilled with white truffle oil and topped with duck foie gras and truffle butter, this hot dog costs $69.

The world record holder for most hot dogs consumed in a 10 minute period is Joey “Jaws” Chestnut, the six-time winner of Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest who set the record in 2009 when he ate 68 hot dogs and buns.

According to the National Sausage and Hot Dog Council, the most commonly used condiment is mustard which is the topping preferred by 32% of Americans.  The second place finisher, with 23% of the vote is ketchup and chili takes the third place spot with 17% of the vote.

Read more about hot dogs here.

Lighting up the night sky

Many of you have plans tonight involving fireworks. Here’s a shot by Reporter Christian Avard taken last night in Grafton.

Memorial Day parade set

MIDDLETOWN SPRINGS — Memorial Day celebrations in Middletown Springs kick off with a 5k race at 1 p.m. Sunday.
The town’s parade, with the theme Face of Freedom, will kick off at 3 p.m., followed by a barbecue event sponsored by the Middletown Springs Volunteer Fire Department on the green.
For more information or to sign up for the parade, call Cheryl Mahoney at 235-2238 or Alice Hoisington at 235-1111 or email [email protected].
Registration for the 5k race will start at noon on the green. A $10 entry free will benefit the Middletown Springs Volunteer Fire Department. For more information, call Justin and Kristal at 235-1297.