In case you’re wondering, the helicopter flying around and police and emergency workers activity in Pittsford is likely attributed to an emergency response drill that is taking place today. Here’s a story we ran Wednesday about the exercise:
By Anders Ax
Local emergency workers are planning for a dirty bomb, a radiation emergency caused by a transportation incident or radiological dispersal device, conveniently scheduled between 9:15 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Thursday.
The exercise will be held at the Vermont Fire Academy in Pittsford, which will act as the incident scene, as well as the State Emergency Operations Center in Waterbury and the Health Department’s Operations Center in Burlington.
“We must be ready for anything — from a natural disaster, to an infectious disease outbreak, to a biological, chemical or radiological release,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Harry Chen, in a press release issued by the Vermont Department of Health. “We must put our plans, training and interoperational systems to the test. The best test is a realistic, real-time full-scale exercise.”
The scenario will be carried out as a real event with participators, players and observers. Around 200 New England and federal responders as well as local and state participants will carry out the operation.
As part of the exercise, a Bell 412 helicopter will land at the Waterfront Park beside Lake Champlain at 10 a.m. on Oct. 24. The helicopter will be part of the training demonstrations and will provide vital data for the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration Aerial Measuring System. Tours through the helicopter will be available to the public through 2 p.m.
Local fire, police and EMS units as well as the Department of Health, Department of Public Safety and the University of Vermont will take part in the exercise. Federal agencies will include the Department of Defense, the FBI, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. Coast Guard.